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Defining the Key Requirements for the 4 Help App

Defining the Key Requirements for the 4 Help App


Stakeholders in the 4Help app include users, developers, support teams, and management, all crucial for defining requirements and success.

  1. User
  2. Agent
  3. Service Provider

    Pre Screen: On opening the 4Help App, the first screen that will appear is the pre-screen. It will display the following three buttons:

    • User button
    • Agent button
    • Become a Service Provider Button


  • Login Screen: 
  • On clicking on User button, login screen will open. If user is already registered, he has to login to app before using app functionalities, for this he has to enter the following details:
  • Select the country code
  • Enter the phone number
  • Enter the password

Click on the login button, and user will be moved to Confirmation Code screen.

  • If the user is new to the app he has to click the Sign Up button on the login screen, in order to go to the Sign Up screen and register to use the app
  1. Sign-Up Screen: Under the Sign-Up screen, user has to enter the following details to register himself for using app functionalities:
  • Enter Username
  • Choose Profile Photo
  • Select Country code and enter Mobile Number
  • Enter Email Id
  • Enter Password

On clicking on Sign Up button user will be moved to Login Screen.

  1. Confirmation Code Screen:                                                                                                                                                              After the User clicks on the login button, User will be moved to confirmation code screen, under this user will get a verification code in his mobile message inbox.
  • Enter the Verification code

On clicking on Submit button, user will be moved to Service Type screen.

  • Forgot Password Screen: In case user forgets the password while log-in, user clicks on Forget Password link under the Login screen, and user will be moved to Forgot Password screen. Under this user has to enter the following:
  • Enter the Phone Number

On clicking on Submit button, and user will be moved to Confirmation Code screen.

  1. Service Type Screen: When the user has log-in to the app, User will be moved to Service Type screen. Under this list of Service types (Plumbing, Electrical services, Air Conditioning, Swimming pool Maintenance, garden maintenance, Pesticides, General clothing, security system services, Décor & design, Furniture Installation, Shades & protection) will be visible to the user. On selecting the particular Service type, user will be moved to Home screen.
  1. Home Page: User will be asked to enable the GPS, on enabling the GPS. There would be two tabs under the app List Tab & Map Tab.
  • List Tab: On clicking on List Tab, a list of agents available in that area will be visible to user. User will be able to view the following details about agent in the list:
  • Agent Name
  • Agent Pic (Agent Profile Picture)
  • Service Provider Name (Name of Service Provider under whom Agent is working)
  • Rating (Rating of Agent)
  • Price (Price demanded by Agent to do particular service)
  • Distance (Distance of Agent from the User)

On clicking on particular Agent from the list, user will be moved to New Request Screen (where he would be able to send the request to that agent)

    • Map Tab: On clicking on Map tab, User will be able to view the Map view, where user will be able to figure out the location of nearby agents in the Map.
  • Select Service Type: User can select the type of service from the drop down list of Service type.
  • Drawer: Under the Drawer user can use following functionalities:
  • New Request
  • Profile
  • Notifications
  • Requests
  • Settings
  1. New Request Screen:On clicking on particular agent from the list of agents, user will be moved to New Request. Under this user will be able to generate a new request for the particular Agent, for this user has to provide following information:
  • Describing what he (user) needs
  • Select From & To Date
  • User can even change his location on clicking on Change Location Button
  • User can even attach (upload) an image (of the item for which he wants to avail service) by clicking on Attach Image button, a dialog box will appear that will ask to upload the image from phone gallery or other folder.

On clicking on Send button, New request will be generated and will be sent to Agent.

  1. Profile: On clicking on Profile option in Drawer, user will be moved to My Profile screen. Under this user will be able to view the following details:
  • Username
  • User Profile Picture
  • User Email-id
  • List of the jobs he has requested for (Descending order by date)

Edit Profile Screen: On clicking on Edit Profile Icon under the My Profile screen, User will be moved to Edit Profile screen where he can edit following details:

  • Username
  • User Profile Picture 
  • Email-Id

On clicking on Update Changes button, changes done by user will be saved

  1. Notification Screen: On clicking on Notification option in drawer, User will be moved to Notification screen. Here user will be able to view the list of notifications from the agent who has accepted/rejected the request.
  1. Requests: User will be able requests which are in Pending, Progress or Done state. There will be 3 tabs (Pending, Progress or Done):

Pending Requests: It again consists of two tabs: Pending Requests List & Quotation Details.

  • Pending Requests List: Those service requests of user which are not accepted by Agent are the Pending Requests. This page consists of the lists of the requests which are in pending state. Un-accepted or pending requests will auto delete after 24 hours. User will be able to view following details about the agent in the list: 
  • Agent Name
  • Agent Pic (Agent Profile Picture)
  • Service Provider Name (Name of Service Provider under whom Agent is working)
  • Rating (Rating of Agent)
  • Status: Pending
  • Price (Price demanded by Agent to do particular service)
  • Distance (Distance of Agent from the User)
  • Quotation Details: It will show quotation details given by particular agent (whose request is in pending state). It will display the following information:
  • Request Id (auto-generated by system)
  • Due Date (Given by Agent)
  • Agent Maintenance Duration (given by Agent)
  • Payment Method (Cash/ Credit Card/ Debit Card to be given by agent)
  • Promo code (to be entered by user)
  • Job Quotation Cost (Provided by agent)

On clicking on Make Payment button, user will be moved to Payment Gateway Page*

Progress: It consists of the lists of requests which are on-going at the time and are not ended by the user. Under this user will see the following details from the list:

  • Agent Name
  • Agent Pic (Agent Profile Picture)
  • Service Provider Name (Name of Service Provider under whom Agent is working)
  • Rating (Rating of Agent)
  • Job Quotation Cost (Price demanded by Agent to do particular service)

On clicking on particular progress request from the list, user will be able to view the details of agent and on-going job. User will be able to view following details:

  • Agent Name
  • Agent Pic (Agent Profile Picture)
  • Service Provider Name (Name of Service Provider under whom Agent is working)
  • Call (User can Call the particular Agent)
  • Message* (User can Message the particular Agent)
  • Rating (Rating of Agent)
  • Status: In Progress
  • Request Id (auto-generated by system)
  • Visit Time
  • Due Date (Given by Agent)
  • Agent Maintenance Duration (given by Agent)
  • Payment Method (Cash/ Credit Card/ Debit Card to be given by agent)
  • Job Quotation Cost (Provided by agent)

If the user has not made payment, then Make Payment button will be on the page. On clicking on Make Payment button, user will be moved to Payment Gateway Page*

If user has already done the Payment, then End Job button will be on Page. On clicking on End Job button, Agent job will come under Done State.

Done: It consists of the lists of requests which are ended by the user. Under this user will see the following details from the list:

  • Agent Name
  • Agent Pic (Agent Profile Picture)
  • Service Provider Name (Name of Service Provider under whom Agent is working)
  • Rating (Rating of Agent)
  • Payment Paid(Paid by User)

On clicking on particular Done request from the list, user will be able to view the details of agent and ended job. User will be able to view following details:

  • Agent Name
  • Agent Pic (Agent Profile Picture)
  • Service Provider Name (Name of Service Provider under whom Agent is working)
  • Call (User can Call the particular Agent)
  • Message* (User can Message the particular Agent)
  • Rating (Rating of Agent)
  • Status: Done
  • Request Id (auto-generated by system)
  • Visited Time & date
  • Payment Method (Cash/ Credit Card/ Debit Card chosen)
  • Payment Paid (Paid by customer)
  • Actual Quotation Cost (By Agent)
  1. Settings Page: On clicking on Settings option in the Drawer, Settings Page will open that will include the following:
  • Edit Payment Method
  • Push Notifications (Consists of Toggle button to ON/OFF the notifications)
  • Language (Radio button to select the language Arabic or English)
  • Become a Service Provider (On clicking on this user will be moved to Become a Service Provider screen)
  • FAQs (on clicking on FAQs option, user will be moved to FAQ page)
  • Terms & Conditions (on clicking on Terms & Conditions option, user will be moved to Terms & Conditions page)
  • Contact Us (on clicking on Contact Us option, user will be moved to Contact Us page)
  • About 4Help (on clicking on About 4Help option, user will be moved to About 4Help page)
  • Log-out (On clicking on log-out, user will get logged out from app)
  • Edit Payment Method: On selecting edit payment method, edit payment method page will open under this user can edit the payment mode he could select cash, credit/debit card, visa.
  • Become a Service Provider: On clicking on this user will be moved to Become a Service Provider screen, it let the user to enter the following information to become a service provider:
  • Enter Email-id
  • Select Country Code
  • Enter Phone Number

On clicking on Send button, server will receive the request of user, and after this user will get a confirmation link on his email-id, on opening which user will be moved to the web view.

  • FAQ Page: On clicking on this user will be moved to FAQ page.
  • Terms & Conditions: On clicking on this user will be moved to Terms & Conditions Page.

About 4Help: On clicking on this user will be moved to About 4Help Page.

Data Flow 4 Help App:

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  • Login Screen: 
  • On clicking on User button, login screen will open. If user is already registered, he has to login to app before using app functionalities, for this he has to enter the following details:
  • Select the country code
  • Enter the phone number
  • Enter the password

Click on the login button, and user will be moved to Confirmation Code screen.

  1. Confirmation Code Screen: After the User clicks on the login button, User will be moved to confirmation code screen, under this user will get a verification code in his mobile message inbox.
  • Enter the Verification code

On clicking on Submit button, user will be moved to Service Type screen.

  • Forgot Password Screen: In case agent forgets the password, agent clicks on Forget Password link under the Login screen.  Agent will be moved to Forgot Password screen. Under this agent has to enter the following:
  • Enter the Phone Number

On clicking on Submit button, and user will be moved to Confirmation Code screen.

  • Drawer: Under the Drawer user can use following functionalities:
  • Profile
  • Notifications
  • Requests
  • Settings


On clicking on Send button, New request will be generated and will be sent to Agent.

  • Profile: On clicking on Profile option in Drawer, agent will be moved to My Profile screen. Under this agent will be able to view the following details:
  • Username
  • User Profile Picture
  • User Email-id
  • List of the jobs done by him, or in progress state (Descending order by date)


  • Edit Profile Screen: On clicking on Edit Profile Icon under the My Profile screen, User will be moved to Edit Profile screen where he can edit following details:
  • Username
  • User Profile Picture 
  • Email-Id

On clicking on Update Changes button, changes done by user will be saved

  • Notification Screen: On clicking on Notification option in drawer, Client will be moved to Notification screen. Here client will be able to view the list of notifications from the agent who has accepted/rejected the request.


  • Requests: User will be able requests which are in Pending, Progress or Done state. There will be 3 tabs (Pending, Progress or Done): 

Pending Requests: It again consists of two tabs: Pending Requests List & Add Quotation Details.

  • Pending Requests List: Those service requests of user which are not accepted by Agent are the Pending Requests. This page consists of the lists of the requests which are in pending state. Un-accepted or pending requests will auto delete after 24 hours. Agent will be able to view following details about the user in the list: 
  • Username
  • User Profile Pic 
  • Visit Due Date
  • Distance (Distance of User from the Agent)
  • Service Type


On clicking on particular User’s Request, Agent will be moved to User Detail Page where he can view following information:

  • Username
  • User Profile Pic 
  • Status
  • Visit Due Date
  • Distance (Distance of User from the Agent)
  • Small description of what user’s need
  • Service Type
  • Location address
  • Uploaded Picture


On clicking on Accept button, Agent will accept the User’s Request

On clicking on Reject button, Agent will reject the request.


  • Add Quotation Details: Agent can add quotation details about the particular accepted job. Agent will fill the following information:
  • Request Id (auto-generated by system)
  • Enter Due Date 
  • Add Maintenance Duration 
  • Add Payment Method (Cash/ Credit Card/ Debit Card to be given by agent)
  • Add Job Quotation Cost 

Progress: It consists of the lists of requests which are on-going at the time and are not ended by the user. Under this Agent will see the following details from the list:

  • Username
  • User Profile Pic 
  • Visited Date
  • Distance (Distance of User from the Agent)
  • Service Type


On clicking on particular User’s Request, Agent will be moved to User Detail Page where he can view following information:

  • Username
  • User Profile Pic 
  • Status- In Progress
  • Call
  • Message
  • Visited Date
  • Distance (Distance of User from the Agent)
  • Small description of what user’s need
  • Service Type
  • Location address
  • Uploaded Service Picture

Done: It consists of the lists of requests which are ended by the user. Under this Agent will see the following details from the list:

  • Username
  • User Profile Pic 
  • Visited Date
  • Distance (Distance of User from the Agent)

Service Type


On clicking on particular Done request from the list, user will be able to view the details of agent and ended job. User will be able to view following details:

  • Username
  • User Profile Pic 
  • Status- In Progress
  • Call
  • Message
  • Visited Date
  • Distance (Distance of User from the Agent)
  • Small description of what user’s need
  • Service Type
  • Location address
  • Uploaded Service Picture
  • Payment Method (Cash/ Credit Card/ Debit Card chosen)
  • Payment Paid (Paid by customer)
  • Actual Quotation Cost (By Agent)

  • Settings Page: On clicking on Settings option in the Drawer, Settings Page will open that will include the following:
  • Edit Payment Method
  • Push Notifications (Consists of Toggle button to ON/OFF the notifications)
  • Language (Radio button to select the language Arabic or English)
  • FAQs (on clicking on FAQs option, user will be moved to FAQ page)
  • Terms & Conditions (on clicking on Terms & Conditions option, user will be moved to Terms & Conditions page)
  • Contact Us (on clicking on Contact Us option, user will be moved to Contact Us page)
  • About 4Help (on clicking on About 4Help option, user will be moved to About 4Help page)
  • Log-out (On clicking on log-out, user will get logged out from app)


  • Edit Payment Method: On selecting edit payment method, edit payment method page will open under this user can edit the payment mode he could select cash, credit/debit card, visa.