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Python Code to split big sql file

Here’s a script that considers complete SQL commands and splits the file into chunks of less than 30 MB while keeping entire SQL commands together.

Key Points:

  1. SQL Command Buffer: The script uses a buffer (sql_buffer) to accumulate lines of SQL commands. It only writes to the file when it detects the end of a command (a line ending with a semicolon ;).
  2. File Size Check: Before writing the command to the file, it checks if adding the command would exceed the 30 MB limit. If so, it closes the current file and starts a new one.
  3. End of SQL Command: The script assumes that an SQL command ends with a semicolon (;). This is common, but if your SQL commands have different terminators or delimiters, you might need to adjust the logic accordingly.
  4. Complete Commands: By buffering lines until a full command is detected, the script ensures that commands are not split across files.
  5. Creating Output Directory: The script checks if the output directory exists and creates it if necessary.
import os

# Path to the large SQL file
input_file = r"sql file path"

# Path to the directory where split files will be saved (make sure this path exists)
output_dir = r"output directory path "
# Create the output directory if it doesn't exist
if not os.path.exists(output_dir):

# Define the size limit for each split file (30 MB in bytes)
MAX_FILE_SIZE = 30 * 1024 * 1024  # 30 MB

def split_sql_file(input_file, output_dir, max_size):
    # Open the large SQL file
    with open(input_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore') as sql_file:
        current_file_size = 0
        part_number = 1
        output_file_name = os.path.join(output_dir, f"split_part_{part_number}.sql")
        output_file = open(output_file_name, 'w', encoding='utf-8')

        # Initialize a buffer to store SQL commands
        sql_buffer = []

        # Read the large file line by line
        for line in sql_file:
            # Add the line to the buffer

            # Check if the line ends with a semicolon (assume it's the end of an SQL command)
            if line.strip().endswith(';'):
                # Join the buffer into a single SQL command
                sql_command = ''.join(sql_buffer)
                line_size = len(sql_command.encode('utf-8'))

                # If adding this command exceeds the file size limit, close the current file and open a new one
                if current_file_size + line_size > max_size:
                    output_file.close()  # Close the current file
                    part_number += 1  # Increment the part number
                    output_file_name = os.path.join(output_dir, f"split_part_{part_number}.sql")  # New file name with directory
                    output_file = open(output_file_name, 'w', encoding='utf-8')  # Open new file
                    current_file_size = 0  # Reset the current file size

                # Write the SQL command to the current file
                current_file_size += line_size  # Update the current file size

                # Clear the buffer for the next command
                sql_buffer = []

        # Close the last output file

    print(f"Splitting complete. Created {part_number} files in {output_dir}")

# Call the function to split the SQL file
split_sql_file(input_file, output_dir, MAX_FILE_SIZE)

You can run the code in command prompt and output will be like this

python code result screenshot

o ensure that SQL queries remain complete within each file, you need to handle the SQL statements carefully, so they don’t get cut off in the middle of a statement. A better approach is to split the file based on SQL commands and ensure that each file contains a complete set of SQL statements.

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